Anuns Movimiento Unificado Campesino del Aguan: Comunicado Plataforma en ingles

Recuento de los hechos y la recuperación de las Tierras de la Reforma Agraria en Honduras

Movimiento Unificado Campesino del Aguan MUCA

A principios de la década de los 90, en la administración de Rafael Leonardo Callejas, se aprueba en Honduras la Ley para la Modernización y Desarrollo del Sector Agrícola, y con ella se instrumentaliza un plan para expropiar a las empresas campesinas de los derechos que el Estado les asignara a mediados de la década de los 70 sobre miles de hectáreas cultivadas con palma africana (Elaeis guinensis) en la región conocida como el Bajo Aguan en el departamento norteño de la costa atlántica de Honduras. La ley en mención se convirtió en la estrategia política de funcionarios estatales en sociedad con empresarios codiciosos para convertirse en propietarios de 20 mil hectáreas de las mejores tierras del país (alrededor de 28 mil manzanas o 48 mil acres). leer mas...

Comunicado Plataforma en ingles

Human Rights Platform warns of possible violent eviction of farmworkers’ settlements in the lower Aguan

The Human Rights Platform informs the national and international community of the possible violent eviction of the families organized in the Aguan United Farmworkers Movement (MUCA) engaged in land occupations in the Aguan Valley. According to reports received about the current state of the negotiations, the designated governmental commission will present a written proposal to the farmworkers’ movement today.

MUCA has announced that it will analyse the proposal with its members and will then make a declaration on the subject. The concern is that if the farmworkers’ response does not please the landowners, the latter may proceed to an eviction using the traditional violent methods that, given the current circumstances, could result in deaths and injuries.

According to formal complaints obtained in the region, heavily armed uniformed groups aided by special equipment for nocturnal operations patrol the areas surrounding the farmworkers’ settlements in a threatening way.

The Human Rights Platform believes that the necessary precautions should be taken to avoid potential violence, which would once again endanger the physical and psychological integrity of thousands involved in the conflict.

The Honduran State is responsible for preventing and guaranteeing that citizens’ human rights are respected and for punishing the perpetrators of crimes against the physical integrity of others. It is also responsible for ensuring that farmworkers have access to land and other resources to live decently.

We demand that the Special Attorney’s Office on Human Rights pay attention to events in the region and take measures appropriate to the particular conditions there in order to avoid greater trouble.

We ask that international human rights organizations, populations, and governments demand of Porfirio Lobo Sosa the immediate dismantling of paramilitary squadrons and a halt to actions of repressive State forces biased in favour of the landowners.

Tegucigalpa, MDC, Honduras, March 24, 2010